Our Mission
The mission of Trumansburg Community Nursery School is to provide an environment to nurture the emotional, social, cognitive, and physical development of young children. TCNS is a non-profit parent cooperative where families play an integral role in the maintenance and growth of the program. We are a non-denominational organization and welcome families regardless of race, religion, or financial ability.
Monthly tuition for the morning program for the 2024-25 school year ranges from $240-$550 depending on number of days per week your child attends class.
Registration Details
Registration begins in spring, opening first to current and alumni families. Admission of new children is on a first-come basis. A non-refundable registration fee and the last month’s tuition are due upon registration. The tuition deposit is refundable if notice of withdrawal is provided by July 15th.
For information about the registration process, current tuition rates and available openings, or to obtain a registration form, please contact the director, Deb Austic, at tcnsdirector@gmail.com, or call our school at (607) 387-5235. You may also arrange an opportunity to visit and meet the teachers and observe the classroom.
Scholarships based on family income are available. For information, you may contact the director at any time during the school year. Scholarships may be awarded short-term or for the entire year.
The teachers are truly concerned with the welfare not only of my child, but of our entire family.